Condominium Property Management

We offer registered condominium corporations the highest level of personal service available

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From the day of condominium registration Inspirah will:

- Secure the necessary insurance required by the Condominium Act, 1998
- Set up your operating account at the bank of your choice
- Set up your reserve fund account at the bank of your choice
- Review all existing contracts with the Declarant
- Liaise with the developer on closing dates of units
- Begin the collection of common expense fees
- Set up all required utilities
- Arrange for garbage collection with the City of Guelph if not already secured
- Pay all corporation expenses

When the time comes for the developer to turn the control of the Board of Directors over to the owners, Inspirah will:

- Send out the preliminary notice to owners calling for candidates for the Board of Directors to be made up of unit owners
- Arrange for a hall for the meeting to take place
- Send out the notice of meeting
- Attend and chair the meeting

And once the owners “take control” Inspirah will:

- Meet with the Board of Directors to set up the Corporation's unique policies
- Prepare an annual budget
- Arrange for the Performance Audit
- Arrange for the Reserve Fund Study
- Tender out all required contracts as per the Board's instructions
- Maintain the corporation’s financial records and prepare them for audit
- Conduct an annual meeting with the owners
- Handle owner concerns
- Prepare status certificates on behalf of the Corporation
- Conduct periodic site visits
- Supervise contractors as needed
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